Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tomato Explosion on E. 25th St.

It's August, and yes, we have ripe tomatoes! Lots of 'em. We returned from a long weekend away to find our vines dripping with ripe fruit of every shape and hue. Hearty German Greens, juicy Cherokee Purples and plenty of yellow cherries. We have a bumper crop of bell peppers too, red, yellow, orange and green. Even the eggplants are back into production after a short pause.
Every August, we go through tomato overload, not that I'm complaining! Being able to step outside and pick a fresh tomato off the vine is quite a luxury for a Manhattanite. And for that I am very grateful...

1 comment:

That Bloomin' Garden said...

I agree, nothing better than a homegrown tomato. What a great thing to come home to.