Friday, September 20, 2013

More fun with Serrano pepper recipes

Our Serrano pepper plant finally offered up its last fruits on the weekend. But the cooking is hardly done. I have dozens of them in the fridge. A few weeks ago, I made these roasted chiles with a recipe suggested by my friend Kim in Texas. Eat one of these babies and it will burn your face off! Really. Another idea, chop up one or two of them to add to dishes that need some spice. Though they're usually picked green, I could not keep up with them and some ripened to a rosy red. They're still hot as...
Freshly washed peppers from the garden
Flatten the peppers with a large knife; be sure to wear gloves or you might get hot hands

Coat with oil (I used canola) and saute in a skillet on med/high heat

When the skin is browned and bubbled (on both sides), they're ready to eat. But proceed with caution!

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